Adult LGBTQ+ Resources




Manhattan Area Resources

  • Equality Kansas aims to end discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity through education, public policy advocacy, and political action.
  • Flint Hills Human Rights Project supports the lesbian, gay, bi, and transgender members of the Flint Hills community.
  • LGBT Resource Center at K-State is dedicated to supporting LGBT members of the K-State and surrounding communities to be more secure, educated, and productive in their personal and professional surroundings.
  • The Little Apple Pride Parade was launched in 2010 so that the LGBTQ Community and Allies could show support and pride for themselves and the people they care about.
  • S.A.G.A. (K-State) is an organization for those that identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning or are an ally to our community.

National Resources

  • American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU): The ACLU works to extend rights to segments of our population that have traditionally been denied their rights, including people of color; women; lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender people; and people with disabilities.
  • Family Equality‘s mission is to advance legal and lived equality for LGBTQ families, and for those who wish to form them, through building community, changing hearts and minds, and driving policy change.
  • GLBT Historical Society: The GLBT Historical Society collects, preserves, exhibits and makes accessible to the public materials and knowledge to support and promote understanding of LGBTQ history, culture and arts in all their diversity.
  • GMLA: Health professionals advancing LGBTQ equality. Find a Queer-friendly doctor on their website.
  • Human Rights Campaign provides information and advice on a range of topics, including state scorecards, laws & legislation, Corporate Equality Index, and ways to get involved.
  • Lambda Legal: Lambda Legal is a national organization committed to achieving a full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work.
  • The National Center for Lesbian Rights: A non-profit, public interest law firm that advocates for equitable public policies affecting the LGBTQ community, provides free legal assistance to LGBTQ clients and their legal advocates, and conducts community education on LGBTQ legal issues.
  • PFLAG is the first and largest organization for LGBTQ+ people, their parents and families, and allies.
  • The Trevor Project has counselors available 24/7 and FAQs.
