2025 MLA Book Sale Survey Please take a moment to fill out this survey about this years Manhattan Library Foundation book sale. Please select your age range Under 18 18-34 34-49 50-64 65 and older Have you attended the book sale before? Yes No How did you hear about the book sale?MPL WebsiteNewspaperPostcardPublic LibraryRadio StationSocial NetworkOtherCan you specify how you learned about the book sale?Which day of the sale did you attend? Friday Saturday Sunday Choose all that apply.Did you buy anything at the sale? Yes No What best describes how much you spent?$0$1 - $10$11 - $20$21 - $30$31 - $40$41 - $50$51 - $60Over $60I found items that matched what I was looking for or interested in.Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agreeHow satisfied were you with the book sale?ExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerribleDid you like the location of this year's book sale? Yes No CommentsWe value your feedback! Please share any additional thoughts or suggestions to help us improve our book sale or tell us about your overall experience.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ