Mission Statement
Manhattan Public Library enhances quality of life by connecting the community to information and innovation and providing a welcoming, safe, and fun place for all.
Vision Statement
At Manhattan Public Library, we acknowledge the past to inspire a better tomorrow.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Statement
At Manhattan Public Library, everyone is respected. The Director and staff are committed to offering collections, programs, and services that support the entire community. We oppose discrimination of any kind, including on the basis of age, race, religion, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or socioeconomic status. At Manhattan Public Library, we understand that diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging are essential to offering our community an intentionally robust and enriching experience. All are welcome at Manhattan Public Library.
Strategic Goals 2024-2028
Goal 1: Support lifelong enrichment, literacy, and well-being.
Goal 2: Connect people with community resources and one another.
Goal 3: Build volunteer and partnership opportunities.
Goal 4: Make library resources and public spaces more accessible.
Goal 5: Advocate for the evolving value of Manhattan Public Library.
Goal 6: Provide a sustainable infrastructure for Manhattan Public Library.

- Community: Manhattan Public Library is committed to strengthening the Manhattan community through shared experiences and dialogue.
- Intellectual Freedom: Manhattan Public Library supports everyone’s right to freely access information in order to form their own unique thoughts and opinions.
- Inclusion: Manhattan Public Library strives to include all community members in its programs and to reflect the diversity of Manhattan identities in its resource collections.
- Hospitality: Manhattan Public Library is dedicated to creating a friendly and welcoming space for all.
- Public Service: Manhattan Public Library believes that public libraries are an essential public service, and Library staff are proud to serve the Manhattan community.
- Access: Manhattan Public Library strives to make its building, programs, and collections accessible to all.