Volunteer at the Library

Teen Volunteers

If you are a teen entering grades 9-12 in the fall of 2025 and would like a fun volunteer opportunity, Manhattan Public Library needs help with our summer programs. Tasks may include preparing craft materials, giving out reading prizes, assisting at events, sorting and shelving books, and other tasks to help make summer programs fun for all ages. To be eligible, you must be available for at least seven (7) weeks between June 1, 2025, and July 31, 2025. Summer volunteers may work between 4-18 hours per week, depending on volunteer preference and availability. Shifts are usually 2-4 hours long and may occur Monday through Friday: 9 a.m.-7 p.m.; Saturday: 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sunday: 1 p.m.-6 p.m. A commitment of four (4) hours a week is required. Priority will be given to teens with the most availability, scheduling flexibility, and previous volunteer experience. Attendance at the orientation and training sessions is required.

To apply, fill out the online application or pick up a paper application at the library’s Circulation Desk. The application submission deadline is 5 p.m., Wednesday, April 30, 2025. Interviews will take place in early May.

Job Description

Eligibility Requirements

Bring your paper application to the library and leave it at the Circulation Desk, the Administration Office, or mail it to:

Human Resources
Manhattan Public Library
629 Poyntz Avenue
Manhattan, KS  66502.

You will be contacted for an interview if your preferences and the library needs match the volunteer job description.

After the interview, accepted volunteers will attend an orientation before starting the position.

A limited number of positions are available, and unfortunately, we cannot hire everyone who applies. If you are not accepted the first time you apply, please try again next year.

Volunteer FAQ

Who can volunteer?

  • Ideal volunteer candidates are within 9th-12th grade or are 18 years or older.
  • There are limited volunteer opportunities for 9th-12th grade teens when school is in session.
  • Anyone without a criminal record.
  • We do not accept volunteers for court-appointed community service.
  • Those who can commit to volunteering for at least six months or for the defined term of a project.

What do volunteers do?

  • Assist with events and programs involving kids/teens/adults
  • Label and cover new books.
  • Repair books.
  • Assist with outreach and offsite events.
  • Assist with our Summer Reading Program (typically teen volunteers).
  • Assist with other tasks as assigned.

When do volunteers work?

Times are based on the availability of volunteers and the needs of the library.

Why should I volunteer?

  • Make a difference in your community and leave a positive impact.
  • Earn community service hours for school requirements.
  • Develop leadership skills.
  • Make friends and have fun.

To apply, use the online application or print and sign a paper application.

Job Description

Bring your paper application to the library and leave it at the Circulation Desk, the Administration Office, or mail it to:

Human Resources
Manhattan Public Library
629 Poyntz Avenue
Manhattan, KS  66502.


Contact Teri Belin at (785) 320-5375 or tbelin@MHKLibrary.org.
